“Mastering the Art of Mouthwatering Food Photography”


Are you a food lover who loves to take photos of your delicious meals? Do you want to make your food photos more enticing and mouth-watering? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some amazing tips and tricks to create mouth-watering food photos that will make your viewers crave the dish. So, let’s dive in!

Lighting is key

The first and foremost important thing in food photography is lighting. Good lighting is the foundation of any great photo. If you want your food photos to look delicious and mouth-watering, you need to make sure that the lighting is perfect. Use natural light as much as possible to avoid any unnatural shadows or color casts. If you’re shooting indoors, try to set up your shoot near a window or use artificial lights such as a ring light or a softbox.

Choose the right angle

The angle of your food photo can make all the difference in how it’s perceived. Try different angles to see what works best for your dish. You can try shooting from above to capture the entire dish, or from the side to capture the layers and textures. Another popular angle is the 45-degree angle, which gives depth and dimension to the photo.

Props and backgrounds

Adding props and backgrounds to your food photos can elevate them to the next level. Choose props that complement the dish and add interest to the photo. For example, if you’re shooting a dessert, you can add a fork or a spoon. Backgrounds can be anything from a simple white or black background to a more elaborate setup such as a rustic wooden table or a marble countertop.

Composition is key

Composition is the arrangement of elements in your photo. It’s important to think about the composition before taking the shot. You can use the rule of thirds to create a balanced and visually appealing composition. Place the main element of your photo at one of the intersecting points of the gridlines. You can also use leading lines to draw the viewer’s eye to the main element.

Focus on the details

The details of the dish can make it look more mouth-watering. Focus on the textures, colors, and patterns of the food. Use a shallow depth of field to blur the background and make the main element stand out. This will create a more artistic and appealing look to your food photos.

Editing your photos

Editing your photos is an important step in creating mouth-watering food photos. Use editing software such as Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop to enhance the colors, brightness, and contrast of your photo. Don’t overdo it though, as this can make the photo look unrealistic and unappetizing.

Practice makes perfect

Lastly, practice makes perfect. The more you practice taking food photos, the better you’ll get at it. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Learn from your mistakes and keep improving.


Creating mouth-watering food photos takes time and effort, but with the right techniques and practice, you can capture your dish in a way that will make your viewers crave it. Whether you’re a food blogger or just someone who loves taking food photos, these tips will help you take your photos to the next level. So, get out there and start snapping some amazing food photos. And, don’t forget to share them with us at Myma!

Myma… Ghar jaisa nahi, Ghar ka khana!

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