“Naturally Delicious: Tips for Shooting Food in Natural Light”


Hey there, foodies! If you are trying to take great food pictures, then natural light is your best friend. But taking good pictures in natural light can be a challenge. Don’t worry, because I am here to share some amazing tips to help you shoot food in natural light.

Finding the perfect spot

The first step is to find a spot where the light is bright enough, but not too harsh. You can use a window or a balcony, but make sure to choose the right time of day. Early morning or late afternoon is the best time to shoot as the light is softer and warmer.

Use a diffuser

If the light is too harsh, you can use a diffuser to soften it. You can use a white sheet or a piece of white cloth to create a diffused light effect. This will also help to reduce shadows and create a more even lighting.

Watch out for reflections

When shooting in natural light, reflections can be a problem. Be aware of what is around your food and try to remove any reflective surfaces. If you cannot remove the reflections, then use a polarizing filter to reduce them.

Use a tripod

Using a tripod will help you keep your camera steady and avoid blurry images. Make sure to use a tripod that is sturdy and has a good grip.

Use props

Adding props to your food pictures can make them more interesting and appealing. You can use napkins, plates, cutlery, flowers, or any other props that complement your food.

Experiment with angles

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles. Try shooting from above, below, or from the side. Different angles can give you different perspectives and make your images more interesting.

Editing your photos

After you have taken your pictures, it’s time to edit them. You can use various editing apps to enhance the colors, brightness, and contrast of your photos. But remember not to overdo it, as this can make your pictures look artificial.


Shooting food in natural light can be a challenge, but with the right tips and techniques, you can take amazing pictures. Remember to find the right spot, use a diffuser, watch out for reflections, use a tripod, experiment with angles, and edit your photos. If you want to take your food photography to the next level, try using these tips and see the difference yourself. And don’t forget to share your pictures with us at Myma. Happy clicking!

Myma… Ghar jaisa nahi, Ghar ka khana!

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