“The Culinary Reclamation: Women Rediscovering Indian Heritage”


When we think of Indian cuisine, we often think of rich and flavorful dishes that have been passed down through generations. But did you know that many of these dishes have been created and perfected by women over the years? Unfortunately, the contributions of women in Indian cuisine have often been overlooked and undervalued. However, in recent years, we’ve seen a shift in this narrative as more and more women are reclaiming their culinary heritage. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ways in which women in India are making their mark on the food industry and reclaiming their place in history.

1: Historical context

The role of women in Indian cuisine has always been significant, but unfortunately, their contributions have been overlooked. Historically, Indian women have been the ones responsible for preparing meals for their families. This responsibility has been passed down from generation to generation, with each family having its own unique recipes and cooking techniques. However, women have not been given due recognition for their contribution to Indian cuisine.

2: Women-led food businesses

In recent years, we have seen an increase in women-led food businesses in India. Women are now starting their own food trucks, restaurants, and catering services, showcasing their culinary skills to the world. They are using social media platforms to promote their businesses and reach a wider audience. These women are breaking down barriers and challenging the traditional gender roles that have been prevalent in the food industry for so long.

3: Reclaiming traditional recipes

Many women in India are also reclaiming traditional recipes and cooking techniques that have been lost over time. They are exploring their roots and experimenting with ingredients that have been used in their families for generations. These women are preserving the culinary heritage of their families and communities by passing on their knowledge to the next generation.

4: Changing perceptions

Women in the food industry are changing the way people view women’s role in the kitchen. They are challenging the perception that cooking is only a woman’s job and showing that anyone can excel in the culinary arts. By doing so, they are empowering other women to pursue their passions and break free from traditional gender roles.

5: Recognition and awards

The efforts of women in the food industry are now being recognized by the wider community. There are now several awards and recognition programs that celebrate the achievements of women in the culinary arts. This recognition is encouraging more women to pursue careers in the food industry and is changing the perception of women’s roles in the kitchen.

6: Empowering women through food

Food has the power to bring people together and can be used as a tool for empowerment. Women in the food industry are using their skills to help empower other women. For example, some women are running cooking classes for underprivileged women, giving them the skills and knowledge they need to provide for their families. Others are using their food businesses to support local communities and promote sustainability.

7: The future of women in Indian cuisine

The future looks bright for women in the food industry in India. With more and more women entering the industry, we can expect to see a diverse range of dishes and techniques being developed. Women will continue to play a significant role in shaping the culinary landscape of India and will no longer be overlooked or undervalued.


In conclusion, women in India are reclaiming their culinary heritage and making their mark on the food industry. They are breaking down barriers and challenging traditional gender roles, and their contributions are finally being recognized. Through their skills and knowledge, they are empowering other women and making a positive impact on their communities. Women are now an integral part of the Indian food industry, and their future looks bright. We at Myma salute all the women who have made and continue to make their contribution in the food industry.

Myma… Ghar jaisa nahi, Ghar ka khana!

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