Home-cooked food benefits

Indian home-cooked food on Myma app

Some great advantages of home-cooked food you must read once!

We have always seen that when it comes to Health, the very first we do is, ‘ditching home cooked food.’ Some people also turn to expensive supplements and pre-packaged meals in an attempt to improve their well-being. But my question is ‘Why do we ignore home-cooked food? Why don’t we try purely home-cooked food? Is it that hard???’

There is n number of home-cooked food items in cuisine like Chapati, Sabudana khichadi, Aloo paratha, Tandoori chicken, Idli sambar, Bread omelet, Carrot halwa, Methi paratha, Chicken tikka, Malai kofta, Lachha paratha, Egg bhurji, Sabudana kheer, Gobhi ka paratha, Tandoori, Palak paratha, Dosa chutney, etc.

Then why don’t we prefer Indian Home-cooked food over Pizza, Burger and all-bread items?

As we all know Indian food has multiple benefits…

  1. Health Benefits
  2. Nutritional benefits
  3. Cultural benefits
  4. Environmental benefits.
  5. Economic benefits
  6. Social benefits

1. Health Benefits

  • Indian home-cooked food, in particular, offers a wealth of health benefits that can easily be enjoyed by making dishes from scratch in the comfort of your own kitchen.
  • Home-cooked food is typically made using fresh, whole ingredients. This means that you can control exactly what goes into your meals, avoiding processed and preservative-laden foods that can be detrimental to your health. 
  • Fresh ingredients also retain more of their natural nutrients, providing your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly.
  • These flavorful additions of herbs and spices not only enhance the taste of your dishes but also provide numerous health benefits. for example – Turmeric is a common spice used in Indian cuisine that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Cumin and coriander are known to aid in digestion. Ginger has been shown to have potential benefits for reducing nausea and pain.
  • Home-cooked food also allows you to control the amount of oil, salt, and sugar used in your dishes.  Excess amounts of these ingredients can lead to a range of health problems, including high blood pressure, weight gain, and an increased risk of chronic diseases.

2. Nutritional benefits

  • It allows you to use fresh, whole ingredients in your dishes. In India, many traditional dishes are made with a variety of fresh vegetables, legumes, grains, and spices, which provide a wide range of nutrients and health benefits.
  • By cooking Indian food at home, you have more control over the ingredients that go into your dishes. This can help you to make healthier choices and avoid processed or unhealthy ingredients. You can also customize your dishes to suit your dietary needs and preferences, which can help you to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Another nutritional benefit of cooking food at home is that it can help to promote variety in your diet. In India, there are many different regional cuisines and cooking styles, and by preparing these dishes at home, you can explore a wide range of flavors and ingredients. This can help to prevent dietary boredom and ensure that you are getting a diverse range of nutrients in your diet.

3. Cultural benefits

  • One of the biggest advantages is that it can help to preserve traditional recipes and techniques. In India, many traditional dishes are passed down from generation to generation, and cooking these dishes at home can help to keep these traditions alive.
  • By cooking food at home, you can learn about the cultural history and significance of different dishes. You can also experiment with different ingredients and techniques, and develop your own unique style of cooking. This can help to enrich your understanding and appreciation of Indian cuisine.
  • Another cultural benefit is that it can help to promote cultural diversity and inclusivity. In India, there are many different regional cuisines and cooking styles, and by preparing these dishes at home, you can learn about the diversity of Indian food culture. By sharing these dishes with your family and friends, you can help to spread cultural knowledge and understanding.
  • Cooking food at home can also help to foster a sense of community and belonging. In India, home-cooked meals are often an important part of family life, and many people gather together for dinner and share a meal. By cooking at home, you can create opportunities for social interaction and connection with your loved ones.

4. Environmental benefits

  • When you prepare your own meals, you have more control over the ingredients that go into your food, which can help you reduce your carbon footprint. Indian home-cooked meals are often made with locally sourced ingredients, which means they have a lower environmental impact than meals made with ingredients that have been transported long distances.
  • Cooking at home helps you reduce food waste. When you plan your meals and only buy what you need, you are less likely to throw away food that has gone bad. 
  • Home-cooked meals can help the environment by reducing the amount of packaging that is used. When you cook at home, you use reusable containers and containers to store your food, rather than relying on disposable packaging. This not only reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, but it also reduces the number of resources that are used to produce packaging materials.
  • Cooking at home can also help you save energy. When you prepare your own meals, you can use more efficient cooking methods, such as using a pressure cooker or a solar cooker. This can help you save energy, which not only has environmental benefits but can also help you save money.

5. Economic benefits

  • Cooking Indian food helps you save money on your food budget. When you prepare your own meals, you can buy ingredients in bulk and take advantage of sales and discounts. This can help you save money on your groceries, which can add up to significant savings over time.
  • Cooking Indian food helps support local farmers and businesses. In India, many people rely on farming for their livelihoods. By choosing to buy locally grown ingredients, you can support farmers and help keep the local economy strong. 
  • Cooking at home also helps support local businesses. When you prepare your own meals, you can buy ingredients from local markets, grocery stores, and specialty shops. This helps to keep money in the local economy and helps to create jobs and stimulate economic growth.
  • Cooking Indian food at home helps you save money on eating out. When you prepare your own meals, you don’t have to pay for expensive restaurant meals or takeout food. This can help you save money on dining out, which can add up to significant savings over time.

6. Social benefits

  • Cooking Indian food at home brings families and communities together around the dinner table. 
  • When you prepare your own meals, you can involve your family and friends in the cooking process, which can help to create a sense of togetherness and community.
  • Home-cooked meals are often an important part of family life in India. Many people gather together for dinner and share a meal, which can help to strengthen bonds and create a sense of belonging.
  • By cooking at home, you can create opportunities for social interaction and connection with your loved ones.
  • Another social benefit of cooking Indian food at home is that it can help to preserve cultural traditions and recipes. We have many traditional dishes passed down from generation to generation, and cooking these dishes at home can help to keep these traditions alive. By sharing these dishes with your family and friends, you can help to spread cultural knowledge and appreciation.
  • Cooking at home helps to promote healthy eating habits. When you prepare your own meals, you have more control over the ingredients that go into your food, which can help you make healthier choices. This can help to promote better health and well-being for you and your family.


By cooking at home, you can make a positive impact on your health and well-being, and help to create a more sustainable and nutritious diet.

Also, you can create a more sustainable future for yourself and for future generations by making a helpful impact on the economy.

By choosing to cook at home, you can get multiple benefits that will truly improve your well-being. And to improve your well-being, here you have a very good option called Myma which provides good quality and purely home-cooked food that too cooked by a mother. This means, now you can order home-cooked food from any house nearby you…  Isn’t it awesome???

Myma – ‘Ghar jaisa nahi, ghar ka khana!’

Download Myma app to order homecooked food!

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